Meet our founder Tash Schön, a holistic wellness enthusiast who loves the ocean and sincerely cares for our planet.

Struggling with gut issues and hormonal imbalances, feeling overwhelmed with misinformation and product overload, Tash delved into the power of holistic healing and guided by experts, she discovered the true connection between our mind, body and spirit.

Inspired by her long journey into holistic health, and with the guidance of professionals, Tash created INRMI to help others look for ways to heal holistically and become the best versions of themselves. Healing starts from the inside, and that's how the name inner me came about.

The magic happens when we holistically nourish the mind, body and spirit; finding your inner power and connecting with your true self is when the healing and transformation begins. 

"I sincerely hope you find this space helpful if you want to heal and improve your health. INRMI is a space of empowerment, support, encouragement, and motivating and inspiring you to reach the best version of yourself. "

Inside INRMI, you will find a safe space to learn and grown. We approach everything with love, respect and kindness. 

"I cannot wait to see your transformation begin."

Tash X0X0
